Author Archives: htoyryla
How neural-style works?

I have, in many of my posts, described my experiments using and mis-using neural-style. Some of my experiments can be rather hard to understand in detail unless the reader has a basic understanding how neural-style works. So this post will try to bridge that gap, without going into the mathematical …
Getting the space back

In my two previous posts, I experimented with neural-style by taking the fully connected layers into use. This resulted in something quite different, which I have provisionally called neural-mirage. Neural-mirage looks at the uppermost fc layer, the most abstract classification of what the network thinks it sees in the image, and …
I have seen a neural mirage

In my previous post, Controlling image content with FC layers, I described how I had modified neural-style to optimize content based on the classifications obtained from the top-most, fully connected layers (which neural-style does not use). I had found that the modified program produced visually quite interesting results, but I …
Controlling image content with FC layers
Using nin-imagenet-conv in neural-style
The endless possibilities of neural networks

No, I am not saying that neural networks can achieve everything. The endless possibilities I am facing do not extend outwards towards practical goals. Instead, when I am experimenting with applications of neural network for creative and original art, I am overwhelmed by the endless options and variations at my …
Working with a smaller net

The core of neural-style is the pre-trained neural network. Pre-trained means that the net has been trained using a large number of images, usually with the goal that the net be able to recognize objects and features in images. The default neural network for neural-style, VGG-19 is very effective for …
Beyond imitating style

The big thing about neural-style is being able to separate style and content of an image, and to synthesize new images mixing content and style from different sources. The original paper describing this new technology demonstrated how it is possible to apply the style of famous paintings from Van Gogh, Kandinsky …